Friday, August 04, 2006

Resistance Is Futile Baby

You are not spending more time on the internet because of slowly but surely broadband access is spreading. And reality TV is basically a bunch of dumb shows for and made by halfwits. Nope so why don't the networks come online and push their crap. Well bobs your uncle mate.

ABC adding shows to broadband player

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - After what it calls a successful test under its belt, ABC is poised to relaunch its streaming video service in the fall with a tweaked broadband player and more shows available online for a shorter period of time per episode.
Viewers will see a broadband player created by the Disney Internet Group with a minor change here and there since the test in May and June. There will be slightly longer commercial inventory but Albert Cheng, executive vp digital media for Disney-ABC Television Group, said it wouldn't hamper the "great consumer experience" that the service was.
"Most people watch because they missed the episode, and that happens mostly within a discrete period of time," Cheng said Thursday. "Once you let it sit there, it doesn't get that much usage down the line." Most of the viewing was within the first 24 hours after the telecast.
ABC didn't release specific length of tune data, though it said a majority of the viewers had watched most of the episode. The ones that didn't stopped watching because they had already seen the episode or were interrupted, according to focus groups done by Frank N. Magid Associates.

Here's an ad idea. You have guy who missed show going to the store and getting himself a good 4 head Video Cassette recorder for $40.

And then maybe some intelligent material would be thought up to air over IPTV.


NBC strikes deal with YouTube

A network representative confirmed a report Tuesday in The Wall Street Journal that NBC has plans to upload promotional video clips of some of its TV shows, including "Saturday Night Live" and "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno." The entertainment company, owned by General Electric, will advertise on YouTube and promote the site on some of its TV shows. Financial details were not disclosed. A YouTube representative did not return calls for comment.

And as soon as they end, in the name of big corporation who hurting and need it and need to control what we see and hear completely, Network Neutrality. We will have no way to avoid the crap anymore.

And one day they will come up with a helpful and informative character. Who on behalf of our Government and the big networks, which will all be one by then, tell how to best make through the day. Point out the dangers of having a bad attitude and we will all call Big something something.

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