Green party and others don't do nothing but show up at election time and try to get elected. You gotta do stuff and let people know you will do even more if elected. Hell I can just sit here tapping at my computer and go write my name in on the ballot. Same difference.
N. Korea
I say again. The Mouse That Roard
Gerry Studds passes away.
Air America Goes Bust Again
Okay so when they came back to Chicago I didn't even know it. Great advertising eh. And what's up with all the scambo advertising spots on the station. Whatever.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Air America Radio, the liberal news and talk radio network whose on-air talent includes comedian Al Franken, on Friday filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection after talks with a creditor broke down.
The network said it plans to stay on the air while it reorganizes. In a filing with the U.S. bankruptcy court in Manhattan, Air America said it lost about $40.9 million since the spring of 2004, including $13.1 million so far in 2006.
"This regrettable action became necessarily only recently when good faith efforts to resolve outstanding debt with a creditor from the company's earliest days broke down," Air America said in a statement.
Air America was launched in March 2004 with programming to counter-balance politically conservative shows by nationally syndicated hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.
The New York-based company said it has 4 million listeners, and has on-air personalities including Robert Kennedy Jr. and Randi Rhodes. Air America also syndicates a radio show from television host Jerry Springer.
And are we supposed to believe Jerry Springer is... what is he doing there!?!
Shh, Wait Not Now I Think People Are Watching.
It's only a matter of time until it will all be one. Welcome back Ma' Bell.
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