Thursday, June 29, 2006

No Good Deed And All

Wako Religious Groups Slime Buffet

"The merger of Gates and Buffett may spell doom for the families of the developing world," said the Rev. Thomas Euteneuer, a Roman Catholic priest who is president of Human Life International.

Referring to Josef Mengele, the infamous Nazi death camp doctor, Euteneuer said Buffett "will be known as the Dr. Mengele of philanthropy unless he repents."
The foundation founded by Buffett, and now named after his late wife, Susan, came under fire from some anti-abortion groups in the 1990s after it gave $2 million to fund clinical trials of mifepristone, more commonly known as the
RU-486 abortion pill. The foundation also has supported various abortion-rights and family-planning groups, and Susan Buffett was eulogized after her death in 2004 as a champion of women's reproductive health.
"Since then, approximately 500,000 American babies have been killed with RU-486," Perkins wrote. "Buffett's billions have the potential to do damage like this on a global scale."
Beyond the issue of abortion, some critics oppose the Buffett and Gates foundations' support for global family-planning and population control programs.

Ripped apart by war and corruption. Not enough food to go around. The last you'd want is to not bring more kids into this world. And yep it says in the bibles that these people read. What is going on around has nothing to do with the mandate by god to keep having kids. Get married and have babies that's the only family planning you need. AIDS, poverty and famine should not be thought as a reason to ignore gods mandate.

If abortion is wrong then start at the point before it is necessary. Oh but wait, no you believe that condoms are even bad too. And that they don't really work.

Gates Foundation

Planned Parenthood

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Child Porn

Internet providers to pretend to combat child porn

leading online service providers
will jointly build a database of
child-pornography images and develop other tools to help network operators and
law enforcement better prevent distribution of the images.

Problem is child porn has nothing to do with the internet. If they want to combat it they are going have to hire people to invetigate complaints.

The companies pledged $1 million among them Tuesday to set up a technology

That's kind of not that much money.

Monday, June 26, 2006

A Funny Little Fink Story

Comcast fires employee caught... sleeping

The Comcast technician was at customer Brian Finkelstein's home when he fell asleep after spending an hour on the phone waiting for his own company's customer service, the Comcast subscriber said.

Finkelstein filmed the operative sleeping, edited and set the video to the Eels pop song "I Need Some Sleep," and shared the 58-second footage on popular online video site

Then comcast made a fink out of Mr. Finkelstein and canned the employee. For in my opinion not staying awake by repeating over and over. My call to the base is very important to them. There will be a response from base confirming this hook up shortly, and humming a little to keep himself and the customer hanging on patiently. But I must say in my area when the comcast folk came to the house they just chirped back and forth at each other and bug out. Things must really be screwed up in that area if they have Tech's waiting on hold for an hour.

Your Gay If You Have Older Brothers

Well sorta. A nice new study for us to consider.

Men with older brothers more likely to be gay
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Having several older brothers increases the likelihood of a man being gay, a finding researchers say adds weight to the idea that there is a biological basis for sexual orientation.

"It's likely to be a prenatal effect," said Anthony F. Bogaert of Brock University in St. Catharines, Canada, "This and other studies suggest that there is probably a biological basis for" homosexuality.

S. Marc Breedlove of Michigan State University said the finding "absolutely" confirms a physical basis.

While I believe being gay ain't a matter of lifestyle choice. The older brother thing is kinda a funky notion.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

Hiel fuzzy

I Feel So Safe

A bunch of people arrested for plotting to do something or another to some places. Wmds found long ago just not talked about until now.

Let me rub my temples and talk in a spooky voice and give my predictions for the summer.
Lots and lots of warnings. And some more fake plots that get foiled. Until a natural disaster happens and instead of trying to be organized in help efforts BushCo. pulls out all the stops to make it seem like they have done nothing bad. Remember republicans only like to help the rich.

At some point even the dumbest non voter is going figure out. That they should maybe try and do something about people who only pay them any mind when they are executing or incarcerating them to show how tough on crime they are.

But hey everyone stills says Iraq and war like they go together. Instead we invaded Iraq when it had nothing to do with Sept. 11th. No one acknowledges or talks to the people who were against the invasion before it happened. Or talks to any of the people who got dismissed or demoted for not going along with BushCo. on it.

We are in this shit hole. And all the smirking and snarling and swift boating in the world is not going to change anything. If we are not going to do what is necessary for fear that in their efforts to look good while doing bad things. The BushCo. people will be mean to us. Then how about pretending to sing the same song and cheerlead for them while bring in people who know what to do from experience and history. And we'll let them play like regan and pretend he ended the Cold War.

And It Leaves Behind Syware

Ok so get this. The lovely game in which convert or kill sinners. Pretzel Logic: Want To Play A Game? Drops off a little something on your mahcine.

The game comes fully loaded with what some would term built-in spyware, in the form of in-game advertising that tracks the amount of time ads are seen, how often the game is played, and the player's geographical and personal information.

I don't half wonder if this something more common or going to become more so.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Privacy policy

Any information you submit they can use however they want. What they promise is not to give your information out to anyone they are not doing business with.

You'll get a letter in the mail but instead of Ed's picture on it it has bush. And the words you may already have won a rendition. Sharing information among businesses is old hat. They tell each other when they find somebody who has money. And since it is business they share that information for a price. And of course niche businesses opened up to collect information and sell it to whoever will pay for it.

We could always be tracked our transaction information was always available. If you don't want to be, use fake id. The thing is nobody is talking about what BushCo. hopes to do by collecting all this information on the people of the U.S. And I say all these accidentally stolen personal data stories have something to do with it too.

NEW YORK (Reuters) - AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T - news) said on Wednesday it was revising its privacy policy, explaining to customers that it owns their phone records and can hand them over to law enforcers if necessary.

The changes take effect on Friday and come at a time when AT&T and other phone companies face lawsuits claiming they aided a U.S. government domestic spying program by giving the National Security Agency call records of millions of customers without their permission.

AT&T said the updated policy was aimed at helping customers understand its practices better and does not change how it treats customer information.

The new policy, unlike the old one, spells out the fact that AT&T owns its customers data. It says that customer information constitutes "business records that are owned by AT&T. As such, AT&T may disclose such records to protect its legitimate business interests, safeguard others, or respond to legal process."

The earlier policy had simply said that, aside from normal business operations such as billing and service provisioning, the company could share customer information to "respond to subpoenas, court orders or other legal process, to the extent required and/or permitted by law," as well as to "to establish or exercise" its legal rights.

Under the new policy, which was being mailed out to AT&T's more than 7 million Internet customers, the company also said that it would track viewing information for customers of a television service it is developing in order to help it make recommendations to customers based on their viewing habits.

It also said that before customers use its services they must agree to the policy, an element that was not in its previous guidelines.

Spokesman Michael Coe said the company, which was formed in November by the merger of AT&T Corp. and SBC Communications Inc., had been working on the new policy for the last six months.

"We are not changing how we treat customer information," said Coe. "We updated our policy to make the language clearer and easier for our customers to understand."

Monday, June 19, 2006

One Too Many...

Coincidence not likely. I say this is a coordinated effort to get dirt on people to use against them in future smear attacks.

The computer was stolen Monday from the Washington home of an employee of ING U.S. Financial Services, said officials with the company, which administers the district's retirement plan.

The company did not notify city employees of the theft until late Friday because it took officials several days to determine what information was stored on the laptop, ING spokeswoman Caroline Campbell said.

The laptop was not password-protected and the data was not encrypted, Campbell said.

Problem is there are only a few people who have a thing about needing to know lost of private details about evertbody. And these people think that they are some how above the law.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Ebay Auctions

Noritake double handled bowls

Vintage office desk

More pictures of the desk can be found here. I don't really know how old or what type of desk it is. Hope it sells. I need the room and some summer cash. Somebody with the time could refinish this desk and sell it for far more.

No bull that. This thing is solid and very very extremly heavy.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Coming Soon To lifetime Channel

Confessions of A Teenage Video Game Addict staring some people who are popular at the time of the filming. The story, little Timmy and his friends like to hang out and play the latest games, a lot! One day one of the boys in his group tells him he knows of a guy who has all the latest games before they even come out in the stores. [...] next thing you know little Timmy is turning quick tricks for game gear. [...] Closing scene little Timmy's mom is addressing Congress reading a statement about why there needs to be a new laws against the video gaming industry. But thanks to the culture of corruption they just tell her thanks for sharing and send her on her way.

Meanwhile at my place. My new friend I made outside the rental store little Susie. Is sitting on my lap happily playing the latest video game title while I adjust my joy...

Detox clinic set for video game addicts

By FIA CURLEY, Associated Press Writer Fri Jun 9, 7:57 AM ET

AMSTERDAM, Netherlands - An addiction center is opening Europe's first detox clinic for video game addicts, offering in-house treatment for people who can't leave their joysticks alone.

Video games may look innocent, but they can be as addictive as gambling or drugs — and just as hard to kick, says Keith Bakker, director of Amsterdam-based Smith & Jones Addiction Consultants.

Bakker already has treated 20 video game addicts, aged 13 to 30, since January. Some show withdrawal symptoms, such as shaking and sweating, when they look at a computer console.

His detox program begins in July. It will run four to eight weeks, and will include therapy sessions, wilderness excursions, healthy lifestyle workshops and possibly medication.

Research into video gaming is still in its infancy, and researchers haven't agreed on how to define addiction. But many experts say it's clear many of the young people who show dependency on video games are in trouble.

"We have kids who don't know how to communicate with people face-to-face because they've spent the last three years talking to somebody in Korea through a computer," Bakker said. "Their social network has completely disappeared."

It can start with a Game Boy, perhaps given by parents hoping to keep their children occupied but away from the television. From there, it can progress to multilevel games that aren't made to be won.

Bakker said he has seen signs of addiction in children as young as 8.

About a dozen clinics already exist in the United States and Canada, and even one in China, as excessive gaming increasingly is being recognized worldwide as an ailment requiring treatment.

Elizabeth Woolley, who founded the Safe Haven halfway house for addicted gamers in Harrisburg, Pa., welcomed the idea that treating addicts is spreading to the Netherlands. "Thank God that somebody has finally recognized this is an issue," she said.

Jeroen Jansz, associate professor of communications research at the University of Amsterdam, estimates about 80 percent of boys aged 8 to 18 play some type of video game. Forty percent play at least 2 1/2 hours a day.

In a 2005 study, Jansz said gamers are overwhelmingly males, especially in violent games where adolescents find "a safe private laboratory where they can experience different emotions."

Hyke van der Heijden, 28, a graduate of the Amsterdam program, started playing video games 20 years ago. By the time he was in college he was gaming about 14 hours a day and using drugs to play longer.

"For me, one joint would never be enough, or five minutes of gaming would never be enough," he said. "I would just keep going until I crashed out."

Van der Heijden first went to Smith & Jones for drug addiction in October 2005, but realized the gaming was the real problem. Since undergoing treatment, he has distanced himself from his smoking and gaming friends. He says he has been drug- and game-free for eight months.

Like other addicts, Bakker said, gamers are often trying to escape personal problems. When they play, their brains produce endorphins, giving them a high similar to that experienced by gamblers or drug addicts. Gamers' responses to questions even mirror those of alcoholics and gamblers when asked about use.

"Many of these kids believe that when they sit down, they're going to play two games and then do their homework," he said.

However, unlike other addicts, most gamers received their first game from their parents. "Because it's so new, parents don't see that this is something that can be dangerous," Bakker said.

Tim, a gamer who is under treatment, agreed to discuss his addiction on condition that his last name not be used. He said he began playing video games three years ago at age 18. Soon, he would not leave his room for dinner. Later, he began taking drugs to stay awake and play longer. Finally, he sought help and picked up other hobbies to occupy his time.

Richard Wood, a professor of International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, is skeptical about viewing heavy gamers as addicts. Wood says that gaming may be a symptom of a problem, but should be seen as a problem itself "just because a person does the activity a lot."

Bakker, however, says symptoms of addiction are easy to spot. Parents should take notice if a child neglects usual activities, spends several hours at a time with the computer and has no social life.

Bakker said parents of game addicts frequently echo the words of partners of cocaine addicts: "'I knew something was wrong, but I didn't know what it was.'"
Just kidding about the fun times with little Susie. My old system don't got no joysticks. And don't the youngins would be interested in playing BurgerTime. Although if they made a new version for the new systems I would probably buy one then.
Intellivision II rocked baby. Notice the advanced circular controller eh, eh. 100 something bucks in its day. 400 and 600 dollars is a stupid amount of money to spend. Just buy a computer and multitask, said the old guy. And to borrow a line from August J. Pollak at xoverboard "You kids get offa my lawn" And um yeah I don't think there is anything specially addictive about video games.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Magnavox Transistor Radio

Magnavox am-60 transistor radio
Has the Magnavox crest on the grille round tuning window on the front face. Still works.

Hull Potery Picthers

Mirror Brown Glazed Finished

1 1/2 cup Cream Picther

Hull Potery

Shawnee Corn King Dishes

Creamed Corn Bowl

Fruit Bowl

Back Creamed Corn Bowl

Back of Fruit bowl

Anchor Hocking Casserole

Anchor Hocking Oven Ware

Fire King Copper Tint
Handled French Casserole Bowl
No cracks chips or scrtches.

Noritake China

Two cream soup bowls

Belmont Pattern 5609 exelent condition on the pair. No cracks chips scratches or rubbing off of the gold trim.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Hey Q What's That

Oh, James I didn't see you come in I was watching video of a mini gauss gun I found on Grouper

So Much Smoke

After making it up that Iran can make a "nuclur" weapon when they can't. BushCo. gives Iran a deadline on when they need to respond to talks.

As Newt Gingrich said on meet the press last month "we are at war with Islam" By we he ment they are the ones having the private little war with Islam. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hasn't got the juice to do more than just roar out his butt while the inept boobs at BushCo. pretrend he is one step away from taking Israel. Finaly though others have gotten him to settle down. Russia and China... And BushCo. acts as if they had something to do with Iran wanting to talk about their nulear power plant gaols now. They made that Iran trying to make weapons, made threat of invasion and stuck a deadline on talks they keep rejecting.

VIENNA, Austria - The United States warned Iran it will not have much time to respond once offered an international package of rewards designed to encourage Tehran to suspend uranium enrichment, suggesting that the window could close and be replaced by penalties if it doesn't act quickly.

It really needs to be within weeks," U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice

Friday, June 02, 2006

Yahoo Video Sorta

Facing tough competition from rivals, Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) re-launched Thursday its online video service, keeping a promise to give users the ability to upload and share clips.

If they really want to be on top offer tutorials on how to make videos, Allow "adult" content but not porn clips. Point out that fair use is actually 30 seconds of a video. Make a private section so people can send videos that only the intended viewer(s) can see. Have actual people there not automatic responses so people can report wrong doing but. False reports don't get your account deleted then. But ofcorse it ain't like that and never will be. You can upload videos but it really is just a video search site. And yes you search the other video hosting sites.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Future of Cyber Sex

Let sexual de-evolution continue.

The Sex in Video Games Conference: Exploring the Business of Digital Erotic Entertainment is to be held June 8 and 9, 2006 at the Lodge at Union Square, Kensington Park Hotel in San Francisco, California. The conference is the first of its type and will be an annual event. This unique conference will focus on the design, development, and technology of sex in video games from a national as well as international perspective. In addition, this conference will also have a strong focus on business matchmaking and networking. During the conference's two day run, it will feature numerous lectures and keynotes, a machinima art show (erotic art and movies derived from video games) as well as panel discussions with leaders in video game and adult video game development
Okay here is the thing. Sex by definition canot be had by two people not together in the same room. If they would try and concentrate on eye candy equals brain candy. Instead its the what is a lonely guy supposed to do to get laid idea again and again like here.

The Soccer Special

Ya know when World Cup came to Chicago I paid it no nevermind. I think I missed out on some good op's for some fun ways to have made some money oh wait I'm not a pimp or a hooker...

Mania Space, a Tokyo club targeting masochistic men, in a twist on the tradional "Spot the Ball" competiton has come up with a World Cup-themed ball game designed to appeal to its target audience.

Called the Three Kick Penalty Playoff, customers are initially sat down naked on the floor with their legs spread apart. The woman servicing them stands some distance away with a soccer ball placed on a penalty spot.

She then takes a kick, aiming for the part of the customer where it'd probably hurt most if hit with a flying soccer ball. The customer, meanwhile, has to use his feet to try and stop the lady of the night's penalty kick. If the customer stops the ball with both feet, he wins. If the ball hits his balls, he loses.
Now if this was the other way around and it was ping pong ball sized soccer balls...

Mary B. Cheney-Gordon

Lesbian Batwoman

The new-look Batwoman is just one of a wave of ethnically and sexually diverse characters entering the DC Comics universe.

Others include Mexican teenager Blue Beetle - who replaces the character's previous white incarnation - and the Great Ten, a government-sponsored team of Chinese superheroes.

Regular characters Firestorm and The Atom, meanwhile, have been reinvented as black and Asian heroes respectively.

The characters are part of a wider effort to broaden the make-up of comic-book creations in line with society as a whole.

Aajjdif Sajjdif majjdif bluurgjadif what da huh! Holly Concentrating on The Wrong Thing! Maybe in the 80's or early 90's this could have worked. But now people are going to see it in a hip to be cynical now way and not buy into it.